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Old 07-26-2008, 11:47 AM   #15
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Default Fighting words "Ground of Locality"

Dear brothers and sisters,

Whenever I read a series of posts that addresses the so called ground of locality doctrine, I realize what a variety of understandings existed and what the evolution of the practice became and how far the present doctrine is from the original understanding. When the so called "church life" began in the 60s there was no such thing as a taking the ground meeting. The original thought behind the phrase "taking the ground" or "standing on the ground" was like a declaration that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He is my personal savior. It was a declaration that all believers are one in Christ, and there is only one Body of Christ both universally and locally.

I can remember George Whitington in Denton along about 1967 explaining to a guest that the stand of the church was not "us four and no more." He explained that all the genuine believers in Denton comprised the "church in Denton." The basis for their gathering was not for a special doctrine or practice ie "security of the believer," or "speaking in tongue," etc but that all believers are one and they desired to express the oneness in a local practical way.

Eventually, the most serious development of the deviations wasthe phrase coming to mean the establishment of an LSM franchise. This turned everything upside down. This growing serious divisiveness became worse over time. Other things were going on which tended to mute the rising roar of protest in my spirit and in my mind. On several occasions over time, I heard from the Lord, my spirit and reason that we were drifting, drifting drifting and finally arrived at full fledged division by 1984. I had crises of conscience in 1974, 1977, 1981, 1984,1986 and finally in 1989 I could go on no move and left.

I am so grateful to the Lord for moving me from Texas. Sheryl, my wife, told me after the move that my personality had changed during the 80s and a positive, optimistic happy person had become depressed and gloomy. She said she was worried for my mental health. The perversion of the desire to practice oneness with all believers was a big contributing factor to the inner turmoil. I believe the same could be said for many of the posters on this forum. Thus whenever "the ground of locality" comes up stand back for there is going to be plenty of action.

In Christ Jesus, there is hope for us all,

Hope, Don Rutledge
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