Originally Posted by Unregistered
Hi all,
I've just been considering my experience with those group and some of the stuff they mention about the Bible & the Christian life are great but I couldn't help feeling there's an oddness amongst many LCers. From their behaviours, way of speaking and clothing (there's more but those are the more obvious ones for me). Also like people said, I definitely noticed the Stepford wives look where their faces seem washed out and lifeless.
Like what do these people actually do in their day to day lives? It just seems to be a lot of "shepherding" and when they do all gather it seems kind of tense, like I never really know what the agenda is. I feel like a lot of them don't really talk normally and brush off a lot of personal questions but they always seem to try and get to know you in an uncomfortable way. I remember one time I brought a KJV bible and one person was staring uncomfortably at me reading from it and when I asked why they were looking at me like that they basically said "Oh, I just wanted to see what version of your Bible is like". Another time, we were asked to pray in groups and all of them would look at me intently at how I prayed. The conversations seem to not get anywhere, it's always stuff like "Are you a student? What college are you from? How were you gained? Did you join our bible study? etc.."like they don't really have anything else to say and when I ask stuff about them they just brush it off and give some very shallow answer.
I'm getting really unsettled in group but their also so nice. Does anyone else have a similar experience?
You’re starting to notice the subtle cult conformity aspects. These range and vary due to locality and leadership, but in general the local churches are a social cult as well as a heretical cult. You’re talking about the social cult aspects. How they dress and behave amongst each other is part of their social cult aspect. This varies, but in general they will try to be homogenous in how they talk, think, dress, and act. They call this “oneness” but really it’s just cult conformity behavior. And yes it’s weird, and yes they act weird because they are weird. Cults are weird and they ultimately want you to conform to their mold, even though they’ll likely say the opposite. They’ll claim their “oneness” is only in the spirit, but in reality they all dress and act similar and have subtle doctrines to do so. The subtle and subconscious pressure is there. They will treat you different depending on how “consecrated” they deem you to be, which ultimately is how outwardly conformed you are to their mold and what they consider to be a “spiritual” person, or an “overcomer”
It’s 2025 and they’ve learned to be a lot more easy going and subtle, it used to be way way worse. There was some localities were they might kick you out of a meeting or confront you if you wore blue jeans instead of slacks. My older brother got kicked out of a meeting for wearing an earring. It used to be a lot worse until they got smart and started to act subtle so they could attract more people. They would repudiate anything “worldly” such as movies, comic books, television, etc. And they’ve have public burnings we’re the would get together and throw all their “worldly” possessions in a pile and light it on fire. Many people threw away precious things like old family pictures etc. It used to be way worse than what you’re noticing. But yeah, it’s a cult, hence why you’re noticing the cult environment. They are cult members and they like it like that. They like to be cult members, they like being homogeneous, they feel safe or something like that. And yeah they act nice to keep you around, they love-bomb you if you’re new, but they don’t like outsiders. That niceness is a facade, it goes away quickly if you stop meeting with them
They are peculiar people and they consider this a good thing. They are not normal. They don’t think normally because they’re brainwashed with Nee and Lee ministry constantly. They are taught not to get too personal with anyone. So you have this weird phony behavior because they believe caring too much about each other is “natural” therefore fleshly. Just one of Nee and Lee’s many damaging doctrines. It’s an oppressive cult environment that causes mental illness. Many of their members are mentally ill because of these messed up doctrines. They are brainwashed by Nee and Lee doctrines and are taught to read their ministry more than anything else they do every day. They want you reading Nee and Lee ministry morning, noon, and night so you can be “constituted” with it. Many giant red flags and you’re starting to notice some of them