Thread: On the Lee Road
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Old 02-26-2025, 03:22 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2024
Posts: 49
Default Re: Public Statement - On the Lee Road

On the Nee road

Hi Indiana,

I would appreciate that, because I too am someone who likes to hold on to good roots. But that's why I have to dig a little deeper.

At the beginning of the 1963 statement it says:

"We do not intend to be any kind of new 'movement', but to practice the unity of the Spirit, a unity with variety, and the variety versus uniformity, in the way of a local church."

But Watchman Nee said in 1934 (the year of the “Vision”):

„Due to the outward ruinous appearance of the Church today, however, the division among God’s people is so serious that no group of believers — including ourselves — can freely call itself the local assembly.”
Nee repeated this several times in Assembly life (1935).

Do you see the difference? I fully believe in the blessings of the early work in the USA and would have loved to have been there. But here, in my opinion, the core of all later confusion already exists. Yes! The little flock should have remained a "movement" that explains anew to a confused Christianity what a church is in God's eyes.

It should still be.
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