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Old 01-10-2025, 01:29 PM   #15
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 179
Default Re: Ron Kangas- THE BODY IS THE FATHER

Originally Posted by Bible-believer View Post
LSM took it off.
Yeah, and LSM took it away once more as well. However we do have the original audio.

Here is a link to the audio recording where Ron Kangas was speaking those words. The really crazy talk begins at approx 58 minutes:

And thanks to Trapped, we also have a transcript of Ron's nonsensical heresy:

"I have a very pleasant question to ask. At least, I think it's pleasant. Who is the father of the local churches? Just consider. You may say, "well, God is the Father." Yes, but that's not that practical. Then you may say, "well the apostles, they're the father." Well, apparently, that's right. But the apostles represent the Body of Christ. The Body is the father of the churches. Whenever a genuine local church is raised up, the body-father is involved. Oh, and the father loves all of his little children! And he has feelings for them all. Oh look at this one, he looks like me! And that one, he looks like me! They all look like me! All the churches look like the body! Now I'm in Peru. I've never been in Peru. But I feel at home in Peru. Because there's a real, genuine expression of the Body of Christ in Lima, Peru. I don't have time this visit to go to chiclayo. But I know in my spirit it's the same. I know what's in your heart. That all you want to be is part of the Body of Christ! And the Body says Amen! The enemy wants you to be part of a system, with a hierarchy. But Christ the Head of the Body does not agree. All the genuine local churches in Peru are part of the Body of Christ. Any church that is not part of the Body is not a genuine local church but a sect."

But anything goes with these Idol worshipers of Witness Lee who strive in vain to keep Their Inherited Evil Empire from crumbling...

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