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Old 01-02-2025, 07:15 AM   #5
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Default Re: 2 Months Out Of The Local Church And Feeling Guilty

I know exactly what you mean. I'm a Church kid in the LC, but I stopped meeting during 2 years of highschool and joined a Baptist church youth group. While meeting with them i felt more of a sense of genuine community outreach than with the LC. Joining the Baptist youth group we would do fund raising, donations for Christmas and local community food donations. As well as visiting fellow brothers and sisters in retirement villages to share our portion of Christ with eachother and give them company. As I have come back to the LC during uni and working i feel distance in my view of what the Lord wants while we are on Earth, and can see with the outward perspective looking in where I should avoid certain "ways to gather" and avoid behaviors that are worrying. The gain of daily youth and young families with children has always made me question the LC ways. And honestly makes me feel like I don't want anything to do with gosple outreach anymore. I hope that I can heal from this one day before it is too late.
- Onthefence
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