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Old 12-14-2024, 02:22 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Northwest USA
Posts: 179
Default 45 California Churches - Open Letter (with signatures)

One of the documents that I inherited from the late brother Don Hardy was a fax copy of a May 15, 1990 OPEN LETTER FROM THE CHURCHES IN CALIFORNIA, USA.
That letter was issued following a set of four elders meetings which took place on March 9-10 in Anaheim, CA.
For me, the curious thing is, that although this letter was audaciously addressed to THE CHURCHES and to ALL THE SAINTS THROUGHOUT THE EARTH, there has to my knowledge not been any mention of it on this forum. Please correct me if I am wrong about that.

Here is a link to that letter:
BTW: The table which lists the names of all 45 churches was not part of the original document, but was added by me for easy reference by readers. Additionally, the text quality of the source document was quite poor in several areas thus what is presented here is derived from OCR with careful proofreading. Enjoy!

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, even as we obtained mercy, we faint not; but we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by the manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. [2 Cor 4:1-2 ASV] - Our YouTube Channel - OUR WEBSITES - OUR FAVORITE SONG, ''I Abdicate''

Last edited by PriestlyScribe; 12-14-2024 at 02:30 PM. Reason: Added disclaimer - Table of Churches
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