"Brother Nee stressed two things: Christ as life to produce the church and the church as the Body of Christ to express Christ. But, sorry to say, it was not only the outsiders who did not know these things; even among Brother Nee’s co-workers, who were my contemporaries, very few have fully entered into the realization of these two matters. Not to mention the matter of the Body of Christ, they did not even see the matter of Christ as life to us."
The clearest and simplest is apparently the most difficult for us (our flesh): the local, undivided ekklesia representing Christ. No other entity can do that, even if they call themselves “local church” or whatever. If not embracing all the believers of our location, as God's Word shows us, we are de facto a sect.
"In 1934 a letter came to me from Watchman Nee saying…that the vision we had received from the Lord concerned Christ as our life to produce the church, not as an organization but as a Body, an organism, to express Christ. This, he said, is what we have seen, and this is what we should preach and teach."
Amen, this vision is still so convincing, can there be a better one? Unfortunately, WL made great mistakes in its implementation which need to be corrected. For God is true and does not reject his plan.
... sorry. I actually didn't want to say anything more about this. But I don't think Watchman Nee was wrong here.