Originally Posted by bearbear
The workers of lawlessness who Jesus denied with the words "depart from me" stand in stark contrast to the thief on the cross. While the workers of lawlessness outwardly professed faith, their actions "works of lawlessness" revealed their inward denial of it. In contrast, the thief, much like the prodigal son, did not initially claim faith, yet his transformed heart demonstrated that he truly belonged in the kingdom which Jesus says is neither here or there but lives within us.
We should not assume that the "Thief" on the cross was instantly transformed and matured thru his last minute faith in the Savior. Yes, his eternal destiny was changed by grace thru faith in the promised Messiah, the Lamb of God, but he too must resurrect to the judgment seat of Christ. (2 Cor 5.10) When Jesus said "today you will be with Me in Paradise," this should not be interpreted as the Thief "going to heaven," but rather the Lord visiting Paradise, the pleasant part of Hades, under the earth for "3 days and 3 nights,"
the sign of Jonah. (Matt 12.39-40)
We should interpret these "evil workers" in Matthew 7 according to I Cor 3 and James 3.1. Those who minister and teach may receive greater reward for their service, but they also may receive "greater judgment" for their evil works. As we see occasionally in the news, it is sometimes the most gifted members of the body of Christ who bring the most shame to His glorious name. This is a warning to us all.