I found a series of articles by Middletown Bible Church which critically examine the teachings of Zane Hodges, Joseph Dillow, and Robert Wilkin, who advocate a soteriology that divides Christians into "overcomers" and "non-overcomers," which is remarkably similar to Witness Lee's teachings. Hodges and others teach that some believers will be excluded from the millennial kingdom, a concept that contrasts with traditional Free Grace theology, which the church upholds. The articles argue this interpretation misrepresents biblical salvation and I think provides extensive refutations which can be help to those who are trying to deprogram themselves from Witness Lee's heretical views on salvation.
The articles can be found here:
Here is an excerpt from
Today in the evangelical world there is a mushrooming movement which professes to champion the “free grace position,” but which others see as dangerously approaching antinomianism. Those who embrace this doctrinal position insist that a true believer can depart from the faith, deny Christ totally, persist in sin (including homosexuality, drunkenness, adultery, etc.), abandon Christianity, and yet still be counted among those who are truly saved. According to this view, such apostates will gain heaven, but will suffer greatly at the judgment seat of Christ and during the kingdom reign of Christ. Indeed they teach that there will be a group of saved people during the kingdom age who will put into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (a hell for believers?).
They divide the body of Christ into two parts: 1) the joint-heirs with Christ (those who suffer with Christ and persevere to the end; 2) those saved people who are not joint-heirs with Christ (those who do not suffer for Christ and who do not continue in the faith, the non-overcomers, the immoral believers, etc.). [For a complete analysis and refutation of this doctrinal position, see the study entitled, The Theology of Zane Hodges and Joseph Dillow and the Grace Evangelical Society and also the study Refutation of the Teachings of Zane Hodges, Joseph Dillow, etc. by James Ventilato]