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Old 10-08-2024, 08:42 PM   #1
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Default 2 Months Out Of The Local Church And Feeling Guilty

Hi Brothers and Sisters in Christ I want to vent and share my 14 year story and experience with the LC. I first found out about the Saints in College I see this is how they get a lot to join and in recent years I see how obsessed they are about mainly reaching out to young ones aka college students or younger. I've given leading brothers ideas how to reach the whole community young and old not just young but still their main focus is only college campus work. That was one red flag that made me feel a little uneasy. Especially not opening doors to feed the homeless or clothing giveaway etc. Like other Churches. Over many years I seen many come and go and a few leaving based on the attitudes and behaviors of some saints. I get that we are all human and no one is perfect but if you are actively pursuing Christ like you say you are if you are rude or inconsiderate to someone you will feel guilty

The Holy Spirit will convict you to do better and pray for others including ones you may not get along with. This is exactly what I been trying to do while I slowly part ways completely with the LC although mainly the sister's have been a lot of trouble I pray for them and even the Brothers that they turn to Christ in the midst of their bitterness or wickedness towards others. To love embrace their Brother or Sister in Christ look past any differences and just focus on the Jesus living in them. This is one thing we all share in common no matter how much we don't like a saint is that they have Christ we have Christ.
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