You're not really responding to me. But I still want to answer, even if it's not easy for me because of the language hurdle. I fully understand if you want to talk about personal discipleship instead of the church. Today there is not one Watchman Nee forum where isn't exactly done what you prefer. But maybe you can accept me to have a different thing to do.
Originally Posted by Nell
The most important matter, in my opinion, regarding Lee’s One Church One City teaching, as well as all other scripture, is the question: is this teaching descriptive or prescriptive?
It’s of course descriptive. But that doesn't preclude that locality was also an aspect of God's wisdom. Watchman Nee says: States pass away, towns remain. That's why God chose the location. - To me, that makes sense.
Originally Posted by Nell
Also IMHO there is far too much emphasis on “how to do church”.
I had already agreed with you on that. And said: There’s one thing we must always do: refraining from sin - as individuals as well as God's people. Then God has free hand.
Originally Posted by Nell
There are so many opinions about “church” and who is doing it wrong, or right, we have a man-made church. In fact, there is no way the multitude of interpretations can claim authority over all others.
Didn't you say above: “There is only one truth”? Has God hidden it from us? Certainly not! It's more a question of how we deal with it. Not like the LCs did. We should learn from their mistakes (as Igzy suggested). We should not fall in resignation concerning truth like Pilate.
Originally Posted by Nell
If believers follow Jesus and grow to know Him, from this, he will build HIS church. So far, what we see today is the gates of hell prevailing.
Where you find that in the Bible? If there are a few who believe in their salvation, that is quite enough, even if they have not yet learned anything else. Accepting the gospel is enough! And that they do not divide is the immediate, self-evident consequence of the gospel. Because otherwise we become hypocrites.