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Old 10-03-2024, 06:42 PM   #15
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Default Re: InconvenientRuth

Originally Posted by PeterG View Post
like you have experienced the fallibility of authority, I have experienced the fallibility of mystical listening to “God’s Voice.” Very problematic if we are honest. Others said: Only the written word is spiritual reality. Hm... I was not far from giving up Christianity completely and the only thing I still could do, was praying: “Lord, save my faith!” Then I slowly began to understand that God prepared a “third way” for us. His not perfect but authentic ekklesia.
You don’t know me. It would be better if you would not presume to judge my experience with the Lord by your own standards or beliefs or experience. Additionally, please don’t judge my experiences as “problematic” just because yours were. Being honest.

I’m talking about hearing…not listening. Of course, in order to hear, you arguably need to listen. But I am taking about hearing God’s voice as a learning experience. We learn to hear his voice. Then we “test all things”. … all things we believe we hear from God. What we believe we hear from God may not pass the test. That’s why it’s a learning experience.

You “began to understand”? Does that mean you heard God’s voice, tested what you began to understand to be from him, and determined this “third way” was from Him?

You are certainly free to share your beliefs with us on the forum, but it seems that you are lecturing me and correcting me about one word (listening), when I was talking about another, vastly different, word: hearing.


BTW, who “authenticates” your “third way”? It should be noted that all church leaders believe their way to be “authentic”. We’ve been there before, now we’re not.
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