Thread: What Now?
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Old 10-02-2024, 05:55 AM   #24
Join Date: Sep 2024
Posts: 49
Default Re: What Now?

Hi Ruth,

so nice to hear you sound so positive. Your mother is German, cool!

I think it's as you say: abuse and all other sins can creep into ANY group of people, including any Christian group. And it happens wherever we look... I used to enjoy visiting a Catholic community from time to time. They also had a “guru,” a very charismatic guy, people adored and to whom they made pilgrimages from all over the country. A few years ago it came out that he regularly sexually abused his young deciples. I was NOT surprised.

But that's why I want to separate what God showed the young Watchman Nee and which I believe should be so important to christianity – on the one hand. And on the other, how the “local churches” worked out the message, which is a shame and tragedy. But God has “long breath,” as we Germans say. He finds and goes new ways.

“The riches of Christ in ALL the believers”. Amen! - please in a very concrete way in the place/location, where we live, impressing Non-believers. No division and no "mishmash" (is that english?) of world and church. I’m a dreamer...
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