Thread: What Now?
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Old 10-01-2024, 09:21 PM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2024
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 15
Default Re: What now?

Hi PeterG!
Thanks for posting. My parents were missionaries in Haiti and Jamaica and were given a book by Watchman Nee, and left "Christianity" to find who meets according to W. Nee's writing (in The Normal Christian Church Life). However, sadly degradation and division can creep in anywhere, in any group, who leaves the solid basis of the whole Word of God. Such as how to deal with sins and offenses in the church. Degradation and division also can creep in with the love and mishandling of money, and the lack of accountability of leaders.

These things and more made it impossible to keep meeting with believers who'd claimed "the ground of oneness" in my city. But I am meeting with precious believers again, finally, who practice God's Word but don't overstress secondary doctrines, authority of leaders, etc. They are authentic, welcoming, and faithful to God's Word.

I sense more oneness with ALL believers having left people who believe they are the ONLY scriptural, overcoming group of believers, while harboring countless shameful deeds of leadership to maintain their image....

Love the fellowship here! Just joined recently, too.
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