Dear Brothers and Sisters,
For about 7 years, I have been struggling through (at times) intense disorientation and cognitive dissonance... trying to save a very precious marriage while being shunned by my husband who was fully functioning as an elder, church board member, FTTA trainer, and speaker at international conferences... while not even obeying the law related to his treatment of me. Through that experience, and my repeated unavailing attempts to appeal to my in-laws and then to other leading ones, I began to face the fact that the treatment I was experiencing was very culty.
Working through that paradigm shift has required that I read and study a lot, and get godly therapy and fellowship from MANY "outsiders" - but the most help has come from ones like you who have spoken about your experiences and healing.
I actually read quite a bit from this forum years ago, and it was helpful. I have been hesitant to join because I work online and don't love screentime. I am also averse to "us" versus "them" mentalities - a characteristic that drove me away from an environment that was steeped in senses of superiority and exclusivity... We are all truly one Body and members one of another...
But I have experienced and witnessed in Christ's Body what would in physical terms be called an autoimmune disease - the body attacking itself... and it has made all of us, I believe, sick. And an important part of healing is expressing the symptoms and getting the flow of life to the wounded areas. So I am opening in this forum for that.
I just posted a new video. I think it is still uploading. It addresses a very deep concern I have, based partly on fellowship with some of you, as well as my own experience and observations. The topic is hard to adequately address, but here is my feeble attempt:
Much love to each of you. May we be prepared as His bride, adorned with the righteousnesses of the saints.
Ruth Wise