09-24-2024, 10:59 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,102
Re: What now?
Originally Posted by PeterG
Meanwhile I have read a lot here and was often shocked. But I would like to encourage everyone who has had a bad experience with the idea of "Lord's Recovery" to rethink about what it was actually about in the beginning and would ask if you really want to give it up.
If, in a Location full of unsaved people, some come to faith through the gospel: Then God does not want them to split into individual denominations, but that a visible multitude is living for his glory. He is looking for them to testify to their faith by their unity and thus also become light and salt for the world.
Was there ever anything wrong with this? It is what Christians have always known and what was WN's mission. Because of his spiritual clarity and his background he was predestined not to shy away from the practical consequences. This way he inspired generations of believers. And he was also wise and far-sighted. That is why he always emphasized how careful we have to be in founding a new “church”. That we must not add to the confusion.
I'm not nearly as familiar with WL as I am with WN. But apparently Lee acted far more carelessly, which led exactly to what his teacher wanted to prevent. But what is the consequence for us today?? To give up the good goal and finally accept church confusion? Or do we still have the responsibility to do the right thing?
From The Normal Christian Worker, Watchman Nee Emphasis added.
Absolute loyalty to the Truth is a matter that must have priority in the life of every Christian worker. It is possible, and indeed it not infrequently happens, that a worker modifies the Truth because he is influenced by men, or by circumstances, or by his own desires. The truth is absolute, and it demands undeviating loyalty of all men under all circumstances. All we possess we can sacrifice if need be, but the Truth we dare not sacrifice. We must never seek to bend it to our purpose, but must always bow to it.
The Lord Himself has led many of us out of the Local Church of Witness Lee. Why? Maybe these words from Watchman Nee should be considered before "rethinking" what God has called us to do. You're asking us to compromise our loyalty to the Truth we've seen from the Holy Spirit.