Thread: What Now?
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Old 09-21-2024, 08:47 AM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 21
Default Re: What now?

Greetings Brother Peter. Do you know Brother Daniel Ofoma from Berlin? I spent a year in Berlin during the lockdown from 2019 to 2020 and I spent a year congregating with the recovery ministry in Berlin. I can give you testimony of my experience there. Basically it was an immigrant group of Asian and American brothers, there were practically no native German brothers. So you can understand the failure of the group regarding the inclusiveness of the native German brothers. In fact, the German brothers do not like to meet in an Asian or American atmosphere, because they are simply German and are in Germany and that is common sense. I think that the brothers who came to Europe, in this case to Germany, did not take seriously the issue of the national culture and lifestyle that Christians have in their countries.

I was able to witness the tremendous Asian and American cultural influence on the church life in Berlin, and really the brothers were committed to the recovery ministry and not to the Body of Christ in the city. As it usually happens, they look for Christians from other congregations to leave the ministries in which they are and they enter the recovery ministry. At no time did I have the experience of having communion with brothers outside the recovery ministry because there was no opportunity for multi-ministerial fraternal communion. Another thing that I was able to witness is the phenomenon that was occurring with the supposed conversions of the Arabs who were entering Germany and who were being baptized. It was simply a fraud. Many false converts were baptized to have access to social assistance, remembering that Germany is a culturally Christian country, and they said that they were present at the conversion of many Arabs to the Christian faith, but in practice in the meetings I only saw 1 or 2 at most.

In fact, I shared an apartment with one of the native German brothers and when I was leaving there, the opportunity to share an apartment with a brother of Arab background. I was also there at the time when a million tracts were printed and sent to every home in Berlin, and there was almost no fruit from it. If the brothers in the recovery ministry would abandon this divisive attitude and team up with the brothers in other ministries in Berlin, the city would be impacted by the gospel. Berlin is the darkest spiritual city I have ever visited, the spiritual tension on the street is really uncomfortable. The spiritual situation in Berlin is quite dark, it is really a shame that almost no one even preaches the gospel on the street anymore and that shows the condition of the churches there.
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