Originally Posted by Ex-LC-Rosemead
Sorry it took so long to get you this word study on the word "Zoe". The first 18 pages are original and no changes were made. It was on page 19 under the word "Eonian Life" that we discovered some problems. The brother who wrote this outline wanted to make revisions and correct it. I hope you enjoy it, I enjoyed reading it again. It is a way into looking at how valuable word studies can be in trying to understand the word of God. If you have any questions please feel free to asked.
I’ve reviewed the paper and have a few comments:
1. You’ve done a great job reviewing all 137 verses where the Greek word "zoe" is used in the New Testament.
2. I’m unclear why you disagree with translating the Greek word “eonian” as “everlasting” or “eternal.” Could you clarify your reasoning?
3. I’m also missing a clear connection between “the life of the man Jesus Christ” and “eonian” life. For instance, in John 10:10, Jesus does not say that He came so that they may have His “zoe” life but simply that they may have the zoe life, and have it to the full.
4. I do not have a problem with this example of the eternal / eonian life explanation: “Living forever-and-ever in and by one’s own human life which he already has in himself and is experiencing now in this present age, but without his sinning (the deeds) and without sin (the sin nature) in a harm-free and trouble-free environment. (E.g. Mr. Jones will live as Mr. Jones forever and ever; and he will do so without the indwelling sin problem and what it produces, in a state of “sinless perfection”; and it will be without any of the hassles that he encountered in this age: he will continue to be living on into eternity as Mr. Jones.) Again, in this scenario, he will still be living by his own natural life, not by Christ, the eonian life. This person is also missing out on “the eonian life”.” (page 18)
5. Personally, I believe that the eternal life is our human life, transformed through faith in Christ, repentance, Holy Spirit, and knowing God in a personal relationship with Him and Jesus Christ. I don’t view the eternal life as a mystical or divine nature but rather as human and natural life redeemed and connected to God. I think we were created as humans and will remain humans even in the eternity.