Originally Posted by Ohio
The writings of Née and Lee contain a multitude of riches from God’s Word……
Here are some riches that I heard, claiming to be directly from the Word of God.
(Paraphrasing many years of brainwashing)
- “If dogs begets dogs, and cats beget cats, it’s only make sense that God begets “gods”. That’s the extent of theological achievement in Lords recovery”.
- “We don’t know much of church history, but what we know is what Lee told us, and it’s 100% truth”
- “We don’t believe in anything about right or wrong, good or evil, we just go with the “flow” - as it pertains to our bank accounts”
- “We don’t need a men’s, women’s, marriage & family ministries, we just need to make sure that the “coworkers” and blended bros are treated well and served on every occasion”
- “We don’t hide the abuse in our movement, we just covering it in the proper way.”
- “We don’t meddle in the affairs of each locality, we just quarantine them for disobedience of the proper order”
- “We don’t offer any apologies for our actions, we just sue and demonize those who cut us red handed”
- “We built an empire on the backs of many people, while collecting six figure salaries. That’s just a cost of being Levites in this age turning generation”
- “We don’t want anyone that would ask questions, we love the people who are at peace with whatever we tell them”
- “We aren’t a cult, we paid a lot of money to have that be the thing of the past.”
- “We have deeper pockets than most groups, we even fully employ a team of lawyers to prove it.”
- “We follow orthopraxy as prescribed by our founders, because everyone else is deformed and insufficient”
- “We follow the recovered economy - in which the people are a commodity, building a community of likeminded and mingled expression. One day when we reach the peak of godhood, the tower will be completed.”
- “We don’t believe or follow any holidays, we use them as feasts. It’s an excellent opportunity to eat the best chicken without feather and bones. Unlike other Christians who haven’t seen the proper way to separate things - like Lee could.”
- “We quote Lee in every single message, article & video. Since Christianity asks WWJD, we look up on what Lee did and said.”
- “We don’t know much about grace and love, but we can offer a spot at the Grace Gardens-and you will love it! We spent millions of the church money on it, and it’s pretty exclusive honor to be there next to the founder of our movement”
- “We spent millions on the purchase of real estate around the world, - but unlike McDonalds, our processed food are highest of quality. - I’m loving it- will be the mantra in your future. Just don’t watch Super Size Me or visit LCD forum, it’s full of death!”
- “We have more websites than DT and KH combined during the election season. However, don’t worry about that. The internet is evil and death. We just there to take away ground and create proper narrative regarding our plans and visions”
- “We prefer to go after young people on campuses, women and children - it’s just kind of logical in this spiritual war!”
- “We are the only lampstand in a city, regardless if 99.9% of people within a mile radius never seen the bulb turn on even for a moment”
- “We don’t mind you coming over for a visit. But leaving your mind at home would enhance your experience, enjoyment and your emotional responses. After all, you probably can’t even know without us if what you experiencing is of the right tree!”