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Old 08-28-2024, 08:10 PM   #12
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Default Re: Should I Quit Reading LSM Publications?

The writings of Née and Lee contain a multitude of riches from God’s Word, mainly because they received from others and passed them onto us. I personally believe that 19th Century England was the period of the greatest church scholarship. Many deficiencies among the Reformers were corrected and many of the challenges of the German high critiques were answered.

For example, many Recovery teachings were sourced with Robert Govett. Anyone who reads his works will realize the balanced genius in his approach to scripture. But he was not alone, numerous others in Victorian England (post-Napoleon) were called by God to search the scriptures. So all the Née/Lee teachings based on these works are very good.

But when they developed their own doctrines, the errors were introduced. This forum is filled with discussions sifting thru Née/Lee teachings to determine what is healthy and what must be discarded. To simply discard everything, as some have done, is to throw out scripture also. Error and truth are so interwoven in the Recovery that many find it impossible to discern. Comparing all Recovery teachings to scripture is a healthy, worthwhile, lifelong endeavor.
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