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Old 08-28-2024, 01:55 PM   #37
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

It was so sad to read about Bill Mallon's passing. I was in the LC in Atlanta when Bill Mallon was one of three elders. I came in 1973 and my husband and I were married in the LC in 1974. We left in 1981. We had a hard time going back to the traditional denominational meetings and it was during that time that the Charismatic movement was begining to flouish, so we went that way for a while for the life. I didn't keep in contact with anyone because once you left you were pretty much ostracized. I didn't realized he had left the LC or I would have contacted him. We had moved to West Palm Beach in 1981. I wish so much that I had known.

I wondered where Bill Mallon and John Ingalls fellowshipped after they left the local church.
Does anyone know?
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