Originally Posted by Ex-LC-Rosemead
I believe the first four seal are happening now because we can see them happening now. The 5th seal is something we can not perceive but it could be happening now. The 6th seal has not happened yet but when it does it will be perceived by everyone. And that is the Great Earthquake. And it is one like no other. It describes the stars falling unto the Earth. We know that stars don't move much. But if you consider your position on the Earth and its shaking and moving and you look up into the sky, the stars will look like they are falling or moving. That is a big earthquake! And from that shaking and moving there is going to be a lot of dust made that will blacken the sun and change the color of the moon.
So, to sum it up, I believe we are between the 5th and 6th seal today.
Many, myself included, think that John probably saw meteors or asteroids falling to the earth, distinct from the sun and moon which he also mentioned in Rev 6.12-17. These "stars" that John saw should be literal, however, and different from the "stars" seen in 12.1 or the "star" fallen to the earth in 9.1.