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Old 08-20-2024, 05:52 PM   #23
Join Date: Jun 2023
Location: San Diego
Posts: 16
Default Re: Greetings from an LC member!

Originally Posted by Trusting- View Post
To be frank, I really tried my best to follow their teaching, join all the conferences and meetings and connect with the saints, but all it's left me in is in a state of depression, fear and guilt. Maybe I did something wrong...
You did nothing wrong! It might be your conscience working, which is good. The main three things to do is 1, continue reading your bible and not replace it, 2, continue with your prayer life, and 3, seek fellowship with other Christians.

You should also continue asking questions from others and the Lord. And seeking the answers until you are satisfied. The LC is famous for shouting people down just for asking questions. Learn to enjoy yourself, God has made you unique. The transition is slow when leaving the LC. But many books have been written on this subject of mind control. The books that I just finished reading recently were a big help in seeing what happen to me and what to do going forward. The books were as follows:

1. Jane Anderson, The Thread of Gold. This sister exposes the false teachings of the LC and how it affects your mind. Her journey had a lot of suffering, but she came through it and the way she came through it was she never stop reading her bible, she never stopped praying, and she never gave up her fellowship with other Christians. If you want to see the deeps [sic] of Satan operating among Christians, she exposes that for you. That is, you will see Christians living and acting in their mind for the Lord but unable to follow their conscious. Christians living and acting and never understanding the truth in the bible. It is a really sad thing to see but it is occurring today. For example many Christians in the LC "think" they are disciples of the Lord, but actually they have moved from being a disciples of the Lord to disciples of Witness Lee. It is so subtle can not see it unless

2. Lily Hsu, My Unforgettable Memories of Watchmen Nee. This sister gives a first hand account of her experience in the LC in China from 1920 through the 1950's. You are not going to believe that history has repeated it self here in the US. This sister exposes the false teaching of Watchman Nee, discussing the Deputy Authority, Apostle of the Age, Delegate Authority, Minister of the Age, Oneness in meeting on local ground, calling on the name of the Lord, Getting out of your mind and into your spirit, sound familiar? These things were occurring in the early part of the 1900's. She discusses how these teaching replaced the Lord's Authority in their lives. And they ruined so many Christians there in China because the bible was replaced by trainings, conferences and lessons form Watchmen Nee. And the one behind all of this organizing was no other than Witness Lee. Witness Lee was there side by side with Watchmen Nee. They were were called, by the Chinese brothers and sisters, the two Apostles. Anyways this book will help you see the history of the LC and its founding principles that were carried over by Witness Lee to the USA.
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