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Old 08-20-2024, 11:25 AM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2023
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Default Re: Greetings from an LC member!

Originally Posted by Trusting- View Post
My stomach feels like it is dropping as I am writing this and posting it. I hope this is okay... Deep down, I just want to be my authentic self again and be genuinely happy. I believe that denying yourself to the point you have no personality and no uniqueness is wrong, and just leads to self loathing and self hatred and denies the fact that you are uniquely made in God's image. I've taken up therapy recently to deal with this.
Hi Trusting,
Thank you for sharing your struggles. I was in a similar situation about two years ago after I stopped attending LC.Consider it a blessing and mercy from the Lord that He revealed the truth about LC and rescued you from this deception. It’s important to be patient with yourself as you recover from the damage caused. It took me around two years to recognize that LC was not a true church. The Lord gradually exposed the inconsistencies in their teachings, the hypocrisy, pride, and false doctrines masked as biblical teachings.

Eventually, I realized that Witness Lee and his ministry had become an idol in LC, which was an abomination to God. When I left LC, I repented of my idolatry and spiritual pride and acknowledged my mistakes in judging other Christians and feeling superior. I had fears that God might judge me or that I would face misfortune, but these fears were the result of years of manipulation in LC, not from God. Over time, I discovered that much of LC’s teachings were a mix of truth and falsehood.

Daily Bible reading was a great source of encouragement and strength for me, and I recommend it to you as well. I joined an evangelical church and shared my experiences there. I also met with a Christian counselor who confirmed that LC is indeed a cult. Reading books on Christian cults, including those banned by LC, like “Mindbenders” and “God-men,” provided further clarity and confirmation of my experiences. About a year after leaving LC, I took new believer lessons and was baptized in water to reaffirm my commitment to the Lord. I realized that my mental health had been affected by LC and past experiences. The Lord has been healing me slowly, and I’ve learned to be more aware of my emotions and to treat myself with kindness. I stopped harshly criticizing myself and others for minor flaws.

I want to encourage you by saying you’re on the right path, but recovery can be challenging. Many people who leave cults like LC struggle and some even lose their faith. It’s crucial to trust in the Lord and take your recovery seriously and slowly. May our loving Heavenly Father guide you and provide for all your needs during this time.
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