Originally Posted by Trusting-
Hi everyone, To describe my current situation in regards to the Local Church, I would still say that I am an LC member, but I have stopped meeting. I am not sure anymore about the group. I am even worried that it might be a cult. But I have not completely cut ties off with them, as I have friends in the group which I still contact from time to time.
IWOW Trusting,
I just scrolled all the way down and read your first post to this forum on this thread.
What a big difference in your (written) countenance of 2019 to today (2024). It sure does appear the LSM is taking a toll on you. I am saddened by the emotional torment you are going through. I am sure everyone here has felt your pain as we were all there at some point. Some experienced more trauma than others. I think this is one of many reasons this forum exists. To let people like yourself you are not alone.
There is nothing to apologize for what you are and have been going through.
The escape from this torment is run to Jesus. The REAL JESUS who SAVED YOU , Who shed His Precious Blood that takes away your guilt, your shame. Run TO HIM Not away from Him.
Remember He came that you, YOU PERSONALLY would have Life, be filled with LOVE and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) Satan, the enemy is out to kill, steal and destroy. Destroy what? Your mental health. Your Joy for Living, Your Joy in the Lord. He’s out to steal friends, family, finances, health from you.
Jesus will never leave you OR forsake you (Hebrews23:5) NEVER! In your darkest hour, Jesus will embrace you and love on you. He will put a smile on your face and even make you chuckle or laugh out loud. Laughter is good medicine for the soul.
Talk to Jesus from your heart. His Holy Spirit will comfort you. I know as we all know, His Holy Spirit is leading you out of the LSM. You have to TRUST Him. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lead not unto your own understanding. He is leading you to green pastures to rest your weary soul.
God LOVES YOU. YOU are very special to Him. Tell Him to heal your mind and He will impart into you “ newness of Life”. Tell Him to take away your fear, your insecurity your depression. HE WILL do it because God is a Promise Keeper!!
Tell Him to fill you with the Joy of the LORD. The Joy of the Lord will give you Strength to get away from the LSM altogether. Tell him to bless you with good and Godly NONJUDGMENTAL friends o
On a “practical” note, I don’t know where you live or what your physical health is like. But I will recommend physical exercise, walking, riding a bicycle, swimming and get a lovable pet. �� Eat more fruits and veggies, red meat and fish Refrain from fast foods as much as you can.
Watch a wholesome funny movie or a funny tv show.
I hope I gave you some encouragement.
May the Lord direct your path and direct your heart quickly and speedily for HE is a GOOD GOD. May He shower you with His Love and fill you with the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding through Christ Jesus. May He shower you with blessings upon blessings as He heals your wounds and restores your health. Amen
Carol G