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Old 08-08-2024, 06:53 AM   #4
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Default Re: After I Left The Local Recovered Church

Originally Posted by WitnessMe View Post
Yeah, from what I have seen, most of the people in LC believe dispensational theology. They say that Jews are God's people, and we have to unconditionally support the modern day State of Israel to restore all its land and defeat its enemies in order to trigger the event of the second coming of Christ. It seems like they think that Jew is superior than other human races. It sounds so racist to me, and that the primary reason I decided to leave LC.
If you still believe that the Old Testament is the Word of God, as most serious Christians do, then you realize that God still has covenant promises with Israel. The OT tells us that those who curse Israel will be cursed, and those who bless Israel will be blessed. Most Christians I know still embrace that, but not to the extremes you mention.

Regarding dispensational theology promoted by JN Darby, the Exclusive Brethren, Scofield Bible,, there is some value with those teachings to understand scripture, but like anything, they can be taken to the extreme.
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