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Old 07-30-2024, 11:00 PM   #19
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,377
Default Re: Is The Local Church Movement Dying?

The church in San Antonio acquired and renovated a very nice building. It has a gated parking lot entrance. It is situated 2 blocks from where I live. There are a lot of cars on Sunday mornings. I don’t know if they meet any other days of the week. If I was to guess, this locality is thriving.

Perhaps I have stated the following in past posts but for the sake of newbies or lurkers on this forum I am going to express my gratitude to the Lord in guiding me and opening my spiritual eyes throughout my life.l

* I am thankful to the LORD ALMIGHTY GOD for my Catholic upbringing. It was instilled in me there are 3 Persons in ONE God. I may not have become born again. I may not have had any spiritual awakening but Faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit was rooted and grounded in me. Fortunately I never deviated from this fundamental BIBLE TRUTH.

The Holy Spirit did however revealed to me the many hypocrisies of the Roman Catholic Church in preparation for my spiritual journey. It is in retrospect I know it was God the Holy Spirit Who opened my eyes. I recall one particular instance when as a teenager I went to Mexico City. I visythe cathedral where supposedly “the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe” appeared to Juan Diego. As I approached the entrance to the building I saw vendors selling souvenirs, soft drinks and chips. Once you entered in there were vendors of religious relics.

I recalled the account of the Lord’s anger at the money changers thus overthrowing the tables. I was 17 and that stood in my mind.

At 20 yrs young, I was searching for a purpose to life. I met a true born again believer from the LC who took his KJ Bible to work. I asked him what he was reading (I sure set myself for what came next didn’t I? LOL). I truly got saved and by the end of the week I had moved into a (sisters house). I did nothear or know anything about Brother Lee or Watchman Nee until 4/5 months later.

Those first 4 months were like spiritual boot camp to me!! I learned about the power of the Blood of Jesus. Learned to call upon the Name of the Lord from “deep within”. I learned about sanctification and memorized Galatians 2:20

I knew The Holy Spirit as the Life giving Spirit but did not know Him as the Revealer of Jesus and the Father. I did not know Him as my Helper, my Comforter. I did not know I could Love Him and talk to Him.

I liked that the LC was “not a denomination” (though truth be told IT WAS AND IS A denomination in practice.

I did like the meetings for the most part until the meetings became all about Brother Lee and the “church”. Christ Jesus was replaced with “Brother” Lee. The church became “the Lord’s recovery”. And Sunday HAD to be called “the Lord’s day”.

I was around for the 1977 Max and Sandy “rebellion. I left the LC shortly after.

For a long time after I left, I “wandered in the wilderness” until I hit rock bottom in 2004. I then recommitted and surrendered my life to our/MY Lord Jesus Christ. I started making the rounds to the different denominations from Pentecostals to John Hagee’s Cornerstone church to the more charismatic churches. As I grew stronger and more confident in the LORD and the Word of God, the Holy Spirit led me out of the man made “church” with all its boards of directors, their 501c tax exemptions and their false “tithing” teachings derived from the Roman Catholic Church.

We are instructed not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another and so much more as we see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25)

The religious clergy use that scripture to deceive the laity into believing they must attend the man made religious institution

We should fellowship in homes, in the park preferably in small gatherings so we can get to know each other, study together, pray together, grow strong so we can reach the unsaved and the lukewarm, the weak believers. This is what I read in my Bible.

I have changed a lot from when I first joined this forum. The LORD truly has healed and restored my soul.

But no criticism on my part to those who enjoy and attend “church”. I place quotation marks in the word church because as we know in our spirits WE true believers ARE The CHURCH.

Thanks for reading my long winded post.

Remember to rejoice in the Lord for the joy of the Lord gives us the strength we need to carry on in this dark world

Showers of blessings be bestowed upon us believers in Christ our KING

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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