Originally Posted by PriestlyScribe
Secondly, the "THEY" who enabled an unrepentant Nee to take the lead once again was actually an evil-genius arm-twisting community organizer by the name of Witness Lee. Were it not for the "Resumption" campaign cooked up by Witness Lee in 1948 - hardly anyone alive today would consider Watchman Nee to have been a godly Martyr.
Thank you for sharing these things. I was unaware. The pieces of the puzzle come together
It makes a lot of sense now. Of course Lee would be Nee’s advocate, he was his successor. They were two master mind benders working together to create a cult of man worship and consolidate their power. It eventually made Lee very rich and whoever he chose as his beneficiaries very rich as well. What a con!
I suppose Lee’s beneficiaries would be his extended family (to my knowledge he had eleven children and probably a multitude of in-laws), as well as Nee’s extended family and probably now to whatever degree the blended brothers are now benefiting and their extended families. They certainly don’t have to work like Paul did! They’re gladly siphoning the saint’s money for their own purposes. All in the name of doing God’s “up to date” work. Wow
Because we always assumed Nee and Lee were above reproach we never thought twice to question their explanations of these events. We just believed Lee when he said it was lies due to ambition or whatever against Nee. Or just a mix up or a misunderstanding as to why Nee traveled with a female companion and visited women in their homes at all hours, etc.