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Old 07-29-2024, 04:53 PM   #16
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Northwest USA
Posts: 179
Default Re: Is The Local Church Movement Dying?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The Chinese excommunicated Watchman Nee in 1942 for his licentiousness. He also was accused of sexual assault by Lily Hsu in her book.

Yet they let him back in as their leader in 1948.
Thanks for the great summary you provided to us Unregistered!

Only two things I would add to it:

First off, Dr. Lily Hsu's book actually has a respected co-author who validated her findings. For some reason, an important Book Review by co-author Dana Roberts in 2013 is now missing from Amazon:
Link to my screenshot:

Secondly, the "THEY" who enabled an unrepentant Nee to take the lead once again was actually an evil-genius arm-twisting community organizer by the name of Witness Lee. Were it not for the "Resumption" campaign cooked up by Witness Lee in 1948 - hardly anyone alive today would consider Watchman Nee to have been a godly Martyr.

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