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Old 07-27-2024, 12:59 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Is The Local Church Movement Dying?

Originally Posted by Ex-LC-Rosemead View Post
I saw a video of Minoru Chen several months ago about the growth rate of the LR. He was explaining from the time period of the early 1970's to mid 2000's I believe. I can not remember how old the video was. But I believe it was around 2007 period. Anyways He said the growth rate was incredible, off the charts between the periods of 1970 to mid eighties. Then it stopped almost went flat lined, like maybe 1 to 3 percent growth rate after that. And the rate had not changed up to that point. He blamed this on the "rebellion" of the mid to late eighties period. But I believe it was the Lord paralyzing her and casting her into a bed. Sometimes you can see the Lord in action in dealing with the churches. Anyways just a thought.
Truth or myth, I heard following "the Rosemead Rebellion" Minoru begged Don Hardy for forgiveness regarding his role in forcing Don's resignation as an elder from the Church in Rosemead. What was the "rebellion" of the mid to late eighties period really about? At that time it was the excessive emphasis on doorknocking that caused my withdrawal from meeting. Others it could have been different.

As for Rosemead, Anaheim, etc, I suspect it was different. It's been said you cannot have transparency without accountability. The co-workers Minoru included are not transparent, because they are not accountable. If the co-workers were accountable, shouldn't there be a corporate repentance?
Until there is, I see the co-workers as part of the problem when they could have been part of the solution.
The Church in Los Angeles 1971-1972 Phoenix 1972-1973 Albuquerque 1973-1975 Anaheim 1976-1979 San Bernardino 1979-1986 Bellevue 1993-2000 Renton 2009-2011
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