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Old 07-25-2024, 09:17 AM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2023
Location: San Diego
Posts: 16
Default Re: Is The Local Church Movement Dying?

I believe the Lord's Recovery (LR) with the Living Stream Ministry (LSM) are paralyzed just like it says in Rev.2:22, ...and I will cast her into a bed... When you go to the other verses in the NT for the word study on "bed" you will find it having to do with people who a paralyzed or very sick. So the Lord cast her into a bed. If you consider what is going on now and what they put out, I believe you can see very clearly they are paralyzed or very sick.

I saw a video of Minoru Chen several months ago about the growth rate of the LR. He was explaining from the time period of the early 1970's to mid 2000's I believe. I can not remember how old the video was. But I believe it was around 2007 period. Anyways He said the growth rate was incredible, off the charts between the periods of 1970 to mid eighties. Then it stopped almost went flat lined, like maybe 1 to 3 percent growth rate after that. And the rate had not changed up to that point. He blamed this on the "rebellion" of the mid to late eighties period. But I believe it was the Lord paralyzing her and casting her into a bed. Sometimes you can see the Lord in action in dealing with the churches. Anyways just a thought.
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