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Old 07-14-2024, 08:21 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Is The Local Church Movement Dying?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yes it is, at least in America. I have heard Europe is in a worse condition, but I cannot verify that. The meetings are quiet, the leading brothers don't know what they are doing, and the older generation keeps cutting down the new ones being gained. Its a mess right now, and there are rumors of a potential split. There is a lot of good in the ministry, but the pride of perceiving that everything in the books is from God Himself is the killing element here. Truth is the highest here, but the practice needs a lot of work before things start looking hopeful again.
Your comments raise questions. Do you mean ALL meetings in the US are quiet, and all leading brothers in the US don’t know what they are doing? You imply that the volume of “noise/participation” in a meeting is the standard for evaluation of “life”, I.e. quiet meetings = dead.

I think that a “good ministry” and “highest truth” would bring forth fruit of the Spirit, rather than simply loud meetings and men who “know what they’re doing”. Regardless, your comments are well taken and are not only an indication of the condition of the Local Church of Witness Lee, but why it’s declining or dying.

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