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Old 07-06-2024, 02:45 PM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: Is The Local Church Movement Dying?

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
What happened when Witness Lee died? A group of men banded together and took over, calling themselves “blended” and took on the mission of carrying on the “ministry” of Witness Lee.
From my vantage point the "blended brothers" emerged in a slightly different manner. They banded together for sure, but being already prominent & well known signers of the 1986 pledge of loyalty to WL, these leaders simply fulfilled their vows to WL - till death do us part.

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Others who were uncomfortable (or terrified) with the idea of meeting elsewhere simply tagged along in tow behind the new corporate version of Lee. Thus WL's ministry was not allowed to experience a natural death.

There is of course also a spiritual component to Lee's "continuation" since the intelligent forces in the second heavens (likely those same evil entities who enabled Lee to steamroller whistleblowers) still find the Lord's Recovery useful in their plan to keep seeking believers trapped in a state of perpetual infancy.

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, even as we obtained mercy, we faint not; but we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by the manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. [2 Cor 4:1-2 ASV] - Our YouTube Channel - OUR WEBSITES - OUR FAVORITE SONG, ''I Abdicate''
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