Originally Posted by PriestlyScribe
In August of 2001, in a letter to Steve Isitt, brother Albert Zehr made the following excellent observations regarding the Lord's Recovery Movement:
"In their hearts these dear ones have elevated the teachings of Witness Lee and the doctrines of the recovery to be commensurate with the WORD. They perceive these to be God's "present day speaking." Unconsciously, this makes them infallible and unquestionable. They become part of one's very faith and foundation. This stance requires total subjective loyalty and acceptance and makes an objective review impossible if not blasphemous. The longer one is in this mode the more of the lifetime that has been built on it the more inconceivable it becomes that it might be a deception. Everything else is measured by this "vision" and nothing can measure it."
Think about it Jay!
I've seen it quite a it in my last 31 years in Washington state. We can criticize Mormons about their book of Mormon, yet to criticize the Recovery about how Recovery Version bible footnotes are utilized is not the same thing?
It is exactly the same thing. In my last go around in Renton, I saw it with one of their current elders. More devotion and time exercised to reading Recovery version footnotes than in reading the Word.