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Old 06-28-2024, 09:25 PM   #2
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Default Re: Is The Local Church Movement Dying?

I haven’t been there for a while, but if anything history taught me, is that most of the movements such as this one will eventually ether crash and cease to exist or just become very exclusive to almost only growing from intermarriage and starting to promote bigger families to keep up the head count.

Also, once the “direct disciples” of the founders are no longer active and pulling this thing forward, it usually splits and breaks into many groups and ways. If you considered what they are pushing unto their members now, you will clearly see that it’s their biggest worry and fear. Not many of the “men that walked with Lee” remain around. It’s really fascinating to watch how man’s built things come crashing down within itself, because there was never a good foundation to begin with, just a smoking mirrors and rhetoric that’s eventually gets exposed.
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