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Old 06-27-2024, 10:41 PM   #12
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Default Re: From the Frying Pan...into...Another Frying Pan

Originally Posted by Bible-believer View Post
They are brainwashing their members with this now....
There is heavy emphasis on not relying on your own thinking and mentality in the LC. This emphasis actually is what creates mindless drones. The Bible does say to not lean on our own understanding but I don’t think it implies we should toss out our rational minds completely. This is a good example of Lee using brainwashing tactics to control the behavior of his followers. If you can convince someone that their own thinking is of the flesh by default then you can convince them not to use their minds altogether, and then you have them completely under your control

The Bible tells us that our mind should be renewed (Ephesians 4:23), and that we should use our minds to turn to the spirit (Romans 8:6, Colossians 3:2). So I’m not getting where the Bible ever says to totally ignore or disregard one’s own mind completely. That’s talk that’s getting into really dangerous territory. It seems this is one of Lee’s concoctions and this type of “ministry” seemed to be one of his greatest methods of controlling his followers

Maybe we could say Lee is speaking hyperbolically here and he’s implying the untransformed part of our minds? But then why didn’t he just say that? Maybe there’s more context to this quote/chapter in the Life study idk
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