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Old 06-19-2024, 11:52 AM   #7
Join Date: Sep 2022
Location: Western US
Posts: 4
Default Re: Digital copy of "Fermentation of the Present Rebellion"?


Thank you for sharing those images. Fascinating and disturbing stuff. I have read the entirety of Speaking The Truth In Love and found it a compelling narrative.

I'm not sure about the link to the book you shared—it seems like it's from India and I'm not sure to trust the site. If you do happen to have an entire PDF of "Fermentation of the Present Rebellion," I would be grateful to have it. But I understand that scanning and extracting images from an entire book is a lot of work.

aron and Recovering,

I have also wondered whether the title is a deliberate homophone, a pun, that is related to describing the fermentation of something as related to mold growing on bread in the dark, as you suggested. Who knows? I think it is definitely a possibility Witness Lee could neither hear nor pronounce a distinction between 'foment' and 'ferment'.


Interesting story about Lee's "complaint" of John Ingalls. Having heard many recordings of Witness Lee in my youth—they were constantly played in the family home—I know that he was certainly able to mimic a sense of humor in a performative context. I don't believe that people like Lee actually have real senses of humor, because to have a sense of humor requires a person to have empathy. And I don't know that Lee actually possessed real empathy.
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