Originally Posted by Ohio
The "Day of Judgment" begins with the pre-millennium Bema Judgment Seat of Christ and ends on the same thousand year long "Day" with the Great White Throne judgment. Both judgments have fire. (I Cor 3.15)
The difference between the fires in both judgments is that during the Bema seat judgment, the works are being burned up (1 Cor 3:15) whereas during the Great White throne judgment, the souls are the ones being destroyed in fire.
The context of Matthew 7:21-23 are bad trees who produce bad fruit. If the works were being burned then the fruit would be burned, instead the trees are being burned which is consistent with souls being thrown in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15). Hence the "last day" in Matthew 7:22 is referring to the Great White Throne judgment not the Bema seat judgment.
Matthew 7:19
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
bearbear, you have a mindset that prevents you from understanding anything Raptor and I have written. I wish you could read what I call the "Kingdom Authors," ones like Govett, Land, Panton, et. al. Just because Nee/Lee taught from some of these same authors does not make their teachings wrong in this regard.
I am doing my best to interact with all the scripture and points you all are making but you and Raptor seem to be ignoring the scripture I am sharing perhaps because it is so hard to deal with because millennial exclusion is directly contradictory to the scripture I shared.
I have a much easier job since there is so much evidence against millennial exclusion in scripture and I am discovering more as I post. Defending this view is really hard using just the bible and not Govett, Lang or Panton's writings and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.