Originally Posted by bearbear
Would Govett view a self professed Christian such as Ravi Zacharias as saved? Ravi practiced sin and sexually abused women and guilt tripped them to stay silent using his religious status.
Would he also view an apostate like Bart Ehrmann as saved? Erhmann studied theology at Wheaton College as a believing evangelical but later turned away from the faith and made it his life's mission to deconstruct the faith of millions of believers as a bible scholar who denies the resurrection of Jesus.
Would Govett agree with the Apostle John when he wrote:
Saved from what? Saved from the fiery lake or saved from His judgment at the Bema Seat?
According to their own testimony, both Ehrmann and Zacharias have testified of being saved by grace, born of God. If true, they will never perish. The Bible says this plainly and clearly in many verses throughout scripture. We have discussed both of them, especially Ehrmann and his apostasy, on this forum for years.
Admittedly Ehrmann's situation is precarious. He has professed to be both agnostic and atheistic. Zacharias is easier. He is a believer who will be judged by the Lord like the rest of us. (2 Cor 5.10) Paul also makes it clear that many of us will suffer loss and will be burnt, yet we will be "saved, yet thru fire." (I Cor 3.13-15)