Re: The Law of Christ
I was reading Acts 6:1, where the "Grecians" (KJV) were muttering against the Hebrews, as their widows lost out in the daily dispensation. I think it's also translated Hellenists or Hellenistic Jews, meaning those law-keeping Jews who were from the diaspora and were back in town. (Some of them were probably from the international cohort that was saved on Pentecost).
Then in v. 5 they pick deacons to wait on tables, including one Nicolas, "a proselyte from Antioch." My understanding is that he would have been a Greek anchored to the Hebrew faith, and now observed their laws and customs, yet without full membership, as he wasn't born Hebrew.
All of this changed, of course, after Peter met Cornelius and Paul got converted. Paul's ministry stressed that non-Jews didn't have to keep the law, and had full rights and privileges in the church.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'