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Old 05-02-2024, 09:38 AM   #395
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Default Re: Prophecy - The End Times

Originally Posted by Nell View Post

No one believes the Islamists will voluntarily surrender this territory, and any attempt to seize it would clearly result in bloody violence. Dr. Widener examines the historical and archaeological record carefully, as well as the geography of Temple Mount, and he demonstrates that the Third Temple (of Herod’s day) actually stood north of the Dome of the Rock. Therefore the Jewish Temple can be rebuilt on its original site without the risk of war, and he strongly believes it will be.

While the details regarding the future Temple may still be debatable, what is clear and certain is where the former temples used to sit and that Christ will come again to rule and reign from Jerusalem.”
I once read an article that discussed 3 Temple sites that were being actively debated, each with “overwhelming” archeological evidence.

With the current state of anti-semitism, and the lack of action by our federal agencies, it’s becoming easier to see why a rising “Prince” from a restored Roman Empire will be revered by Israel as their long-awaited Messiah, who will provide them with security and allow them to build their Temple.

I doubt we will ever know the site of this Temple until construction begins.
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