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Old 04-29-2024, 11:45 PM   #59
Join Date: Feb 2024
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Default Re: Eternal Salvation Is Free; Ruling With Christ Is Earned

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
The pattern in both the Old and New Testaments clearly describes that salvation is a gift by grace through faith, yet ruling and reigining with Christ in the Millenial Kingdom will be a reward earned by works.

For example, to be an elder or deacon in 1 Timothy 3, there are a series of qualififications. If there are requirements other than being a believer to be a leader in a church, which is temporary and very localized, surely there are requirements to be a co-king with Christ in the Millenial Kingdom.
I agree. I think most Christians in general are quite sensitive about teachings/interpretation that contains gaining God's favor, reward, or prize by works. They automatically associate that teaching to be salvation by works and not by grace. I have come across this a lot.

I had to avoid using phrases that causes these "triggers" among the general Christian communities because of its incomplete and misguided associate meaning to salvation.

I find it more helpful to my fellow Christians using phrases like the kingdom reward, or reigning with Christ in the millennial Kingdom is the result of our working out (the living out) of our faith in Christ. This is in line with Philippians 2:12 (working out your salvation with fear and trembling) as well as your quoted verses.
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