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Old 04-24-2024, 07:49 AM   #60
The Lee-ading Lady
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Default Re: To the Hebrews

Originally Posted by aron View Post

As far as the context of Paul's speech, you could interpret is as if he was formerly a Pharisee. I can infer that he is a Pharisee, albeit a disciple of Yeshua.

"Then Paul, knowing that some were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out to the Sanhedrin, 'My brothers, I am a Pharisee, DESCENDED FROM PHARISEES, I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead." ~Acts 23:6

My point has been that either Paul lied to win a debating point and split the Sanhedrin, or he remained a Pharisee after converting to be Jesus's disciple.
Paul did not actually lie to win a debating point. ..

...and neither did he remain a pharisee after converting to be Jesus' disciple.

To explain, for example, former President Trump, on occasion, refers proudly to his German roots. His grandfather, emigrated to America back in the nineteenth century having hailed from Germany. His grandfather was naturalized (and even slightly altered his name) and became an American citizen. This man's acquired citizenship passed down naturally to former president, Donald Trump.

President Trump can make the claim on any given day to be "German" by virtue of the fact that he has German blood coursing through his veins because he is DESCENDED from German grand, and great-grand parents.

But legally and legitimately, he is an American.
His passport is American.
He speaks American English.
He owes his allegiance to the American flag.
Once, he would have been expected to serve with the American military (as, and when, necessary).
He pays his taxes to the American government.

None of the above applies to him in relation to the State of Germany because he is NOT a German in any real or meaningful sense.

But he can truthfully claim to be (when it suits him).

The same can go for Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, Russian-Americans, Asian-Americans, African-Americans, Jewish-Americans, etc, the list goes on.

There was a time in this country, a hundred or so more years ago, when immigrants would simply describe themselves by the nationality from which they hailed, and not even call themselves "American" e.g. "I'm Italian", or "I'm Mexican". They who considered themselves "real" Americans were those who could trace their roots back to the Mayflower, or circa.

Nevertheless, legally and factually, they're all Americans.

* (please note that I have deliberately avoided the question of the native Americans)

Two thousand years ago, Paul told the council he was standing before:

'I am a pharisee. I am DESCENDED from pharisees'

Take careful note that he qualified his standing as a pharisee, ONLY by identifying with that religious sect by a link of lineage. And no more.

And that was because his status had, in fact, changed. His 'citizenship' had been altered (Eph 2:19)...and because it had been altered he no longer 'belonged' to the sect of the pharisees.

His life was no longer governed by the Mosaic Law, to which the pharisees clung like a drowning man to a floating debris, and without which they could have had no justification whatsoever for their existence. Their lives revolved around the 'law', and nothing else (Matthew 23:2)

Paul's life, however, was now governed by Christ's Law (or, the law of Christ). He was a 'new creature' and 'old things had passed away'. From Saul, his name was changed to Paul, signifying his change of citizenship.

He was as much a pharisee, therefore, as President Joe Biden is Irish.

Thank you

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