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Old 04-24-2024, 04:44 AM   #55
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Default Re: Eternal Salvation Is Free; Ruling With Christ Is Earned

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Maybe the same could be said of Nee and Lee, except they were in the following century. To be sure, we will always do better to neither indiscernibly accept nor hastily reject any doctrine/teaching/practice simply on the basis of who taught said doctrine. In the case of Millennial Exclusion, it was taught by a number of highly educated and world renown men (such as John Nelson Darby) and it was also taught by men of a entirely different ilk, such as Nee and Lee.
Totally agree, with the exception of the original Apostles.

I have found it interestingly informative to read the contemporaries of these “renowned” teachers, such as JNDarby, who was so marvelously spoken of during my time in the LC’s. As long as someone remains in such an “echo chamber” the more deceived one becomes. For example, reading Groves, Spurgeon, Govett, Newton, etc. completely delivered me from any thought that Darby was some 19th century MOTA, with revelation directly from the Head.

It is my opinion, that Née and Lee followed Darby, not because of their specific teachings, but because of the innate power structure it gave them within their corresponding circles. Within their respective movements, the three were exalted as a modern day Moses. To hold another opinion than their leader was open rebellion, with the earth opening up to swallow you whole. But gifted contemporaries, outside of their systems, were never subject to such fear-mongering as those within, so they had liberty to speak the truth. So, it’s always worthwhile to source from them.
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