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Old 04-14-2024, 01:14 AM   #54
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Default Re: The Law of Christ

Originally Posted by simple simon View Post
... does peter's strict following of the law's dietary restrictions mean that he kept the whole law? Is the law made up of only dietary restrictions? I think from what I've gathered on this thread, to keep the law you must keep the whole law. Or is the poster who wrote that mistaken? So even if peter had never eaten anything unclean in his life (as he declared) before the demanding rigorrs of the law he was still guilty. But it looks like you take another view.
I overstated my case, that Peter, 7 years after the resurrection, is seen saying that he never ate anything unclean. Certainly I never meant to imply that he considered this the basis of holiness or righteousness. But I did say that Peter followed the whole law, which isn't in the text.

And I want to follow DMW and make an apology with deepest regrets for being provocative. I deliberately do so, to shake people out of somnolence (as I perceive it) and to question their assumptions, many of which seriously need to be challenged. But in doing so, I state conjectures and possibilities (to my mind they are possible) as though they were in fact so. When something is possible, that's a far cry from being certain, and I typically state suppositions and hypotheses as though they were bald facts.

This is I'm sure annoying to many. Please accept my apologies. I'll try to be more circumspect in the future.


On that note, I did learn something from DMW about authorship of Hebrews. I didn't think it possible that Paul could have written Hebrews 2:3, now I see scenarios where either Paul or Paul/Luke could have written that.

My certainty is that I believe and confess that God raised Jesus from the dead. If Jesus died and remains buried to this day, then my life, as my confessed faith, was for nothing. But beyond that, I don't hold too much firmly, lest I should find myself arguing over nothing. I like to think aloud but sometimes do it too aggressively. Considerations are not wrong. But they are not facts.


My present consideration has been whether the law of Christ, the royal law, the new commandment, that we love one another as we love God, has been obviated by the considerations, interpretations and opinions of others, which when imposed, effectively became the new laws in the church. Our desires color our opinions, and our opinions color the facts, and obscure them. Now centuries have passed, and the facts are buried by layers of opinions, customs, cultures, and organized detritus. But it's still rubble, just stacked up in piles and painted shiny white.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'

Last edited by aron; 04-14-2024 at 03:15 AM. Reason: edited
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