Originally Posted by bearbear
Thanks for sharing DeadManWalkin. I'm curious, after you left the LCs did your salvation theology change? What do you think are the consequences for the Galatian believers who may have held to the true gospel but later corrupted it with circumcision and died without repenting. Do they still get saved after suffering during the millennial kingdom or are they unsaved?
Galatians 5:7
"You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?"
Galatians 4:11
"I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain."
Galatians 5:4
You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.
Thanks for replying, bb
.. ain't sure what u mean by 'salvation theology', but if you W mean in terms of teachings and doctrines, then absolutely my 'theology' has evolved. Mainly because my mind was allowed finally to 'breathe'...as opposed to the mindless acceptance of Witness Lee's ministry material.
One great benefit of this has been that I began to mine the riches hidden away in the Old Testament. There was a lot I didn't know. It's mind-blowing what God has revealed to me there. I had no idea.
The LORD's promises there are so astoundingly faith-affirming.
Back in the day, a brother from the LC once told me that the OT is like a picture-book, and the NT provides the captions. I preferred only the NT. I felt that the OT was suited for 'legalistic one's' who had not yet grasped the concept of 'grace' and still held on to the 'Law'. But now I see captions are useless without the pictures.
What do I think happens to the Galatian believers who got circumcised?
Well, obviously my opinion does not vary from what is written by the apostle Paul. And you've already provided the verses that reveal his thoughts on the subject. I don't think I need to add anything else. He says they are severed from Christ. They have fallen away from grace. That sounds serious enough.
Do they still get saved after suffering in the millennial kingdom?
I don't pretend to know a whole lot about the millennial kingdom.
From what I read I see thrones of judgement with saints sitting upon them living and reigning with Christ as his priests, and priests of God. And they -we- are called blessed and holy because we're part of the 'first resurrection'.
I don't see any mention of the Outer Darkness. But there is a Bottomless Pit. Are they the same thing? Dunno. Are the circumcised Galatian believers who fell away from grace inside it? Dunno.
Here's a thought
But, if, like you said, those errant Galatians died before repenting, the question is, do they still qualify to be part of the First Resurrection? But isn't it by 'grace' that we qualify for this resurrection? But they 'fell away from grace', right?
So they're still dead, we can safely assume, at this point.
But then John reveals, "the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished" Rev 20:5
Are those circumcised Galatian believers among these dead? Your guess is as good as mine.
If they are, then I have to say, it doesn't look good for them.
All said, the Outer Darkness teaching is a doctrine cobbled together by Witness Lee out of some evidence in the gospels which he may have fused together with some elements from the Roman Catholic doctrine of 'purgatory'.
I don't know what to make of it, frankly.
good talk..