Originally Posted by aron
I apologize again, my previous lengthy post was put in because I saw a poster apparently telling all of the readers to keep the law, THE WHOLE LAW, i. e. "follow all 613 injunctions, all the time"...
I'm not sure why you are purposely pulling my words out of the context in which I put them. Aren't you misleading readers on this forum?
What are you hoping to achieve?
Yes, it's true I reminded readers to keep all 613 laws of the Old Testament LAW -all the time...but only IF...they felt obligated to bind themselves to the LAW to keep it. Whether he or she be Jew or Gentile.
What was my point? (the point you have chosen to ignore)
My point was that despite the fact that there are 613 different injunctions contained in the LAW, yet there is only ONE REQUIREMENT, really.
That SINGLE REQUIREMENT is that there should not occur a single transgression of even one of those injunctions -even for a second. That is the LAW. Like it or not.
Should you, then, as a professed LAW-keeper, fail in just one little point of that LAW, then you immediately come under the CURSE of the LAW. That's why it is written:
"Cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them" (Deuteronomy 27:26).
The verse above is the one unique standard of the LAW:
'Continue...in.. all... things'
And it is an IMPOSSIBLE standard to keep. Why? Because absolutely no one can ever, or has ever, continued in all things that are written in the LAW to do them.
And because of the curse attached to it, that's why Christ had to come and hang on the cross, and, in so doing, redeem us from the curse of the LAW.
The whole world, both Jew and Gentile, lay under this curse prior to that (the Jews, by choice; the Gentiles, by default).
But the curse was laid, instead, on Christ.
That was the point I was making. Nobody should be misled.
I often find myself rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollably when I read posts defending law-keeping Jewish believers in the book of Acts supposedly revealed to the posters through mysterious verses they claim only they have read and seen.
..Oh, please...
We've all read the book of Acts, Aaron.
And you have misread it.