Originally Posted by bearbear
Jesus actually talks about false believers in Matthew 24:51 when referring to the disobedient servant: "He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
Weeping and gnashing of teeth is
NOT a place, not a location. It is an emotional condition. Peter wept bitterly after denying the Lord, ...so did he go to hell? NO. A teenager takes dadīs car without permission and crashes. Heīs grounded and canīt go to prom; spends the weekend weeping and gnashing. Did he go to hell? NO.
W&GoT is a phrase that describes deep sorrow and regret; it can happen in many different situations and contexts.
The disobedient servant
was still a servant, he is a believer, but disobedient. There are millions of genuine believers, born again christians that are disobedient: hyporcrites, or live in fornication, or addicted to porn, or divorced their wives without Scriptural ground, or smoke pot and booze, or are homosexuals.
They will be judged at the Judgemnt Seat of Christ: many will not inherit the Kingdom.