Originally Posted by bearbear
If the voice I'm hearing is directly contradicting scripture it might come from Satan so in those cases I think I'd need to ask God for confirmation that it's really from him because it could also be that I'm misinterpreting scripture like Peter did when he was on the roof and saw the vision with the animals on a great sheet.
Being a church kid, I'm not as familiar with LC theology as the other posters here so I can't contribute very well in that area and will let other posters step in. But from the way that the Christian life is carried out in the LCs, from what I observe, oneness or zeal for the ministry and winning converts seems to be the top priority in practice and not the law of Christ which is based on love and avoiding sin (which is not loving).
One example I remember was when Titus Chu said that he was sad that there were too many Chinese in the church and he wanted more Caucasians implying that Caucasians were of more value than Chinese. This statement was pretty unloving and seemed to reveal that his heart prioritized winning converts rather than love. As a leader, the principles such as this that he affirmed through his words and practice likely carried over to the rest of the flock. I can't imagine the leadership or the pastors at my current (undercover) Baptist church say anything like this without backlash.
This remark from TC I would put a question mark on. Then, I might privately
and respectfully ask TC for an explanation. You might even tell him "Is it your intention to imply that Caucasians are of more value than Chinese? Did I misunderstand your comment?"
We should always seek confirmation from God.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.
Matt. 18:15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.
While TC's words really don't rise to the level of "sin" (I don't think), we should be accountable for our words.
Sometimes God puts desires in my heart that are aligned with what I want to do, but other times they are opposed to it because of my flesh. In those cases I've been learning to ask God to change my heart so that I will want do his will.
This is healthy.
Have you ever come across an experience where you felt God speaking to you in a way that contradicted scripture?
No. Nothing comes to mind. Many, maybe most, of my experiences today are much simpler. Lord, should I go to "this" movie? Or, Lord, are you sure you want me to ... do "this"? Lord, I don't think I understand this verse. I think it means .... this. Please give me your understanding. Test all things.
I'll refer back to my simpler example about registering for the forum. While this request does not rise to the level of scripture, it's a reasonable request from a brother who is offering a free service to all, with only a simple request to comply with forum rules and by registering for membership. "Lord, do you want me to register for the forum, or do you want me to ignore this request from the owner.
This practice of testing and obedience to the Lord's speaking is closer to my experiences with him on a daily basis.
Another help regarding the word is to understand that our reading and studying results in our interpretation of scriptures. Witness Lee believed that his interpretation was binding and the final authority. Also, a single verse has a context of maybe many other verses which needs to be considered.