Originally Posted by Nell
In this example, I'm attempting to bring in the matter of the conscience to the discussion. Does the Law of Christ operate outside the conscience? There is not only a misunderstanding in the LC but in the populace in general. The LC offends the conscience of others to the extent that the conscience becomes seared, demanding that others obey them...LC leadership...rather than God.
Being a church kid, I'm not as familiar with LC theology as the other posters here so I can't contribute very well in that area and will let other posters step in. But from the way that the Christian life is carried out in the LCs, from what I observe, oneness or zeal for the ministry and winning converts seems to be the top priority in practice and not the law of Christ which is based on love and avoiding sin (which is not loving).
One example I remember was when Titus Chu said that he was sad that there were too many Chinese in the church and he wanted more Caucasians implying that Caucasians were of more value than Chinese. This statement was pretty unloving and seemed to reveal that his heart prioritized winning converts rather than love. As a leader, the principles such as this that he affirmed through his words and practice likely carried over to the rest of the flock. I can't imagine the leadership or the pastors at my current (undercover) Baptist church say anything like this without backlash.
Matthew 23:15
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves."
(Note: I'm in no way advocating that Titus Chu is a Pharisee or unsaved, this verse just came to mind. Only God knows Titus' heart and we should pray for him.)
Originally Posted by Nell
Here's a question for you. Do the written verses in the Bible override what God Himself speaks to you personally in your walk, your relationship with him and his relationship with you?
If the voice I'm hearing is directly contradicting scripture it might come from Satan so in those cases I think I'd need to ask God for confirmation that it's really from him because it could also be that I'm misinterpreting scripture like Peter did when he was on the roof and saw the vision with the animals on a great sheet.
Most of the time my own struggle is that, sometimes God puts desires in my heart that are aligned with what I want to do, but other times they are opposed to it because of my flesh. In those cases I've been learning to ask God to change my heart so that I will want do his will.
Have you ever come across an experience where you felt God speaking to you in a way that contradicted scripture?